I used to play board games with a friend, Twilight Struggle, which was an intensely strategic game in which you could play as the Americans or the Russians during the 1960s. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t not beat him. I kept changing my approach, but nothing seemed to work. Eventually I found a tactic that did. I feel a bit like that at the moment about teaching. The things I would do in the classroom can’t be done. The ideas I had for online haven’t worked as I’d hoped. So I’ve changed, adapted, tried new things and in particular asked the students for feedback. I’m still not sure if it’s working; I’m still searching for new ideas, but it’s beginning to feel better. If you have had good experiences then please share them, we could all do with some new ideas. If you’re still feeling unsure then get in touch, after all, a problem shared and all that. Either way, as the old BT ads used to say, it’s good to talk and it’s even better to share ideas.
Where do I start (22/10/20)